So you’ve mastered your draw, can bank with the best of ’em, and you can finally beat the ghost… now it’s time to put those skills to use and see how you stack up to some real pool competition. Click here to find out where you can find pool leagues and tournaments in your area. Read about some of the world’s top pool players. And see why girls fall for guys who can shoot some stick!
Nineball Basics
Generations of barroom athletes have enjoyed billiards as contests of skill. Whether you play for fun in the local pub, or play for keeps on the professional circuit, there are many variations to keep you and your friends entertained. Nineball is one favorite take on the age-old game.
Nineball is a contest of skill and a test of concentration. This is because in Nineball, each player must be mindful of every ball that’s on the table. Rather than simply focusing on a group of specific balls, Nineball requires that all players begin each shot with the cue ball striking the lowest numbered ball on the table. As long as that happens, the player is free to pocket any ball to keep his or her turn in play. In theory, the first shot should contact the one ball and all shots should initially contact the lowest number until that nine ball is finally pocketed.
A major variation of the basic billiards game play is that only balls played are those numbered one through nine, and the balls are racked in a diamond shape as opposed to the traditional triangle. Most of the balls can be set randomly within the diamond, however the one ball must be at the tip and the nine ball must be at the center. When the balls have been properly set, play begins as usually with the cue ball set behind the head string.
Upon breaking, the shooter must either pocket one ball or send four balls to the rails, to continue in his or her turn. If the breaking shooter should pocket the cue ball or knock a ball off of the table, the shot is lost. The opponent re-spots the ball and begins his or her turn. Any balls that are pocketed by a foul shot must be re-spotted before the opposing shooter can take a legal shot.
A shot is considered foul if the break shot is unsuccessful, and if succeeding shots don’t result in pocketing a ball or contacting the lowest numbered ball first. If a player fouls, he or she has three opportunities to correct the mistake. The player is notified after the second foul and if the third shot also results in a foul, the game is called and the fouling player is declared the loser. If a player is not eliminated as a result of a foul, the Nineball game continues until the nine ball is legally pocketed.
Billiards is a fun game that can easily be enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels. Many people make billiards a part of their regular nights out, and variations on the game, like Nineball, ensure that no two nights will be the same.